By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 04:02 - United States - Portland

Today, my wife handed over most of our son's college fund, in cash, to an investment scammer going by the name "Herp A. Derpson". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 132
You deserved it 3 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say he was a prince from Nigeria too?

iPixelCheese 19

No offense, but your wife is a dumbass. And wasn't there another FML where the mom was about to send 1400 dollars to a church, and the pastor was Herp McDerpington. Unlike that story, it's too late, I am sorry OP


OP I am so sorry, honestly I can not help but think that your wife must be a total idiot, probably should take her off any accounts or have her need to get your signature for any transactions.

This is why joint accounts are an awful idea.

It wasn't a joint account? It was a savings account for a college fund?

Tragic. The kid will have to overcome lousy circumstances AND genetics

Hope your son didn't get her brains cuz he wouldn't make it through college anyway

Another women has left the kitchen and ****** up