By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 04:02 - United States - Portland

Today, my wife handed over most of our son's college fund, in cash, to an investment scammer going by the name "Herp A. Derpson". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 132
You deserved it 3 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say he was a prince from Nigeria too?

iPixelCheese 19

No offense, but your wife is a dumbass. And wasn't there another FML where the mom was about to send 1400 dollars to a church, and the pastor was Herp McDerpington. Unlike that story, it's too late, I am sorry OP


Lmao. Maybe she doesn't know what "derp" means. did she not know the name was fake

TheNoNameGuy 20

You're wife is stupid as ****.

afallingstar 22

Wow OP. You married a smart one.

Your wife seems to be dumb as ****

Oh no. I hope she's not hot. If she's hot, and that gullible, you just know that so many guys have been able to convince her to give it up when you're not around. Or possibly, she just stole/gambled the money and told you this story of Mr. Derpson expecting you to believe anything she says.

Severefear 7

How the hell can someone be that dumb?

My dad pretty much did the same with my college fund and it sucks ass. I feel worse for your son

I'm pretty sure nobody can touch the college funds until they actually go to college.