By noname - 13/12/2008 05:48 - France

Today, my wife, in her magnificent wedding dress, had her period during the ceremony. How did I find out? The same way everyone else did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 854
You deserved it 2 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ok well...maybe she was just so excited she forgot? ugh, i don't know when my ******* period is coming! i'm not an idiot, it's just irregular! so basically, have a heart. it's her wedding day, do you think she WANTED to find out that way? and dude...i agree with 11, and in doing so i'm giving you one less comment that's basically calling you an asshole =]


Be happy she is even marring a person that whines about that anyway

Be happy she is even marring a person that whines about that anyway

Be happy she is even marring a person that whines about that anyway

Posting the same comment four times won't get you any upvotes.

Be happy she is even marring a person that whines about that anyway

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

Ok, It's prob. a FML for you because of the wedding night, but you two can work around the lovely monthly gift. Its more of a FML for HER because think about it, it's her wedding day, everything is perfect until Mother Nature comes for a visit, in FRONT of alot of people, you think she was cool with that? Lol um.. No... haha But that sux dude

PaperxHearts_xox 0

This should've been an FML for her. I feel so bad for her /: That's gotta really suck. and to all you idiots saying that she's an idiot; periods are irregular, you know?I really wish guys had to deal with crap like this. Then they'd really find it funny /:

ewsaywhat 0

I feel so bad for HER, not so much for you.

emma1008 0

there are worse ways to find out she got her period. Just saying

For example, in the middle of going down on her.

And I don't see why a woman's wedding should be the most "important" day of her life. "Special" maybe. But this isn't the dark ages, who you marry doesn't matter. Ya - it matters who and if you marry.