By Anonymous - 07/04/2012 19:40 - United States

Today, my wife sent me to the store to pick stuff up so we could make BLTs. I got the bacon, but couldn't remember what else went into them, so I bought an avocado and napkins. When I got back home, my wife very slowly and sarcastically explained what BLT stands for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 812
You deserved it 53 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loller27 6

dude what did you think it meant


iBiteRoses 22

Dude, you went full retard. You're NEVER supposed to go full retard. (Or is it "full hipster") Anyway, the sarcasm sounds exactly like my mom... ^^;

compuergirl123 0

I love b samwivhes not blts

Remember Chowder? Bacon lettuce and tomato! Bacon Lettuce And Tomato!!!!

doodz_fml 5

I fail to see how this is even an FML. You didn't know what BLT stood for. Oooooh your life sucks so bad! *eyerolls*

bkj92 5

Better Luck Tomorrow then!! ;-P

Well you should've just said "I prefer a BLT without the L or the T." Instead of saying you didn't know.

Wow... *slow clap* Seriously!? How does one **** up a BLT?