Not good enough

By Ophelia - 08/06/2016 04:05 - United States - Hudson

Today, a realtor came to take a look at my house. I had worked all morning to make it look lovely. When they took pictures, I explained a number of ways I could change things so everything would look as good as possible. After the house tour, they told me it should be bulldozed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 1 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

Time to find a new realtor and get a second opinion. Maybe you just need someone who is actually willing to help you find ways to sell your house, not someone who isn't willing to work with you and make it better. That's assuming that your house actually isn't something that needs to be bulldozed with a little work.

You can't polish turd, no matter how hard you try


You can't polish turd, no matter how hard you try

Lct1196 31

Actually, people manage to polish various animal turds and it turns out quite well.

Myth Busters proved that you actually CAN polish a turd.

The way i heard the quote is that although you can polish a turd, in the end it's still a turd.

pageanator2000 11

A polished turd is still a turd no matter how shiny it is.

jentrynicole 20

Time to find a new realtor and get a second opinion. Maybe you just need someone who is actually willing to help you find ways to sell your house, not someone who isn't willing to work with you and make it better. That's assuming that your house actually isn't something that needs to be bulldozed with a little work.

Guess you could say your house looked pretty *puts on glasses* homely. YEEEEAAAAH!!!

That was amazing 1 thumbs up for you (edit) emojis don't work ;(

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

But wait, if trash is treasure than what is trash? -InspirationQuotes2k16

Beckei 18

I would definitely find another realtor! Don't let that one get the commission with an attitude like that...

what commission? the realtor isn't after money. there would be no house after all...

sometimes an empty lot is worth more

Empty lots are always worth lot more if it's in the right neighborhood than a lot with an unwanted building on it. It's hard to get a house bulldozed, inspectons, permits, the actual cost of having it torn down, and then you have to pay to have everything removed and got forbid there be lead or asbestos in the house; if there is, it costs thousands and thousands to be disposed of.

kingdomgirl94 29

Now is it because of the way it looks or because it's structurally unsound? One is kind of rude, the other is an issue of wear and tear and safety.

bad_boyfriend 10
Sir_Cow 17

Could be a ton of problems with some installations or some thing.

My parents (who are pushing 70) live in a house that hasn't been renovated since my stepmother grew up there 60 years ago. You can only get 30 seconds of hot water from the showers, the toilets are stained black, and the whole place smells like mildew. They don't see anything wrong with it and don't understand why they should renovate when they're ready to move into a retirement community.

There are people who would jump at a house like that. I'm one of them. The more original the better. I'll work around the issues until I get exactly like what I want. I'd love a house that's almost pristine 50's. They're called time capsules and sought after in some markets.