By Muchacha22 - 20/06/2016 17:25 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my work directory was updated to reflect my recent promotion. Due to lack of space, they abbreviated the title. I'm now listed as "Sr Anal". FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 351
You deserved it 1 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing that it's supposed to be "Sr. Analyst"? Let's hope that you can get it fixed. In the meanwhile, try not to sweat it. It'll be a fun story to laugh about someday!

That's fantastic! Sir Anal of Phone Directory! Own it!


I have a couple of credits in a local cable access show where I was an Associate Producer. I'm listed as 'Ass Prod'.

Was your job to keep everyone moving?

Muskrat777 13

maybe he is SEÑOR ANAL of Mexico

Do you have people who work for you who are ass anal then?

Well congrat OP. I'm sure you'll blow the job wide open.

Take a irritated bow, and send all your memos on toilet paper. Soon they'll be calling you, a real asshole.

Every time you enter a discussion ask of you're "butting in". They'll change it before the weeks over.