By broke - 02/12/2017 15:00

Today, my work informed me that they didn't process my pay in time, so I won't get paid until the end of next month. I have less than £10 to last me until then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 278
You deserved it 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is total bullshit. If their system honestly can’t do a one-off payment, they need to just give you money in advance to be repaid to them when the pay comes through.

Lobby_Bee 17

Doesn't your work contract states which day or the month you'll get paid? They breached the contract with no means of compensation, talk to a lawyer.


That is total bullshit. If their system honestly can’t do a one-off payment, they need to just give you money in advance to be repaid to them when the pay comes through.

ohsnapword 21

I see your username is not "Unicef" so I hope you are on vacation until they can pay you.

You are not alone. Half of Canada's federal workers have had this kind of problems since they changed their pay software. You can get a whole lot of trick from them about stuff like how to get an advance payment when you already had one last month, how to negociate with your utility provider and landlord, the best places to dumpster dive, a thousand ways to prepare rice and beans, how to craft gifts for your family and friends using recycled material, etc. Just join the "We hate Phenix" group chat on Facebook.

Lobby_Bee 17

Doesn't your work contract states which day or the month you'll get paid? They breached the contract with no means of compensation, talk to a lawyer.

Paid in £, therefore a UK worker? They must pay you in cash or by bank transfer within 3 days to be repaid on the next pay date. Trust me, I’ve been there before so I know.

chessu 21

I've been in a similar situation. HR sent an email saying if I would mind horribly and I did, and suddenly they managed to do it under a week. Just tell them you need the money and they're gonna have to figure it out.

Guess you’re in UK from the £ - not paying you on time counts as constructive dismissal - go talk to citizens advice for free, they’ll give you good advice on how to get this sorted. Most reputable employers would just give you a loan to be paid back when they sort your pay correctly.

I do have 10 pounds to lose, if that can help

this has actually happened to me, i was in a less dire situation but I understand how frustrating it is

I work in HR by law they must pay you by the end of the day that you inform them of your pay not going in, the fact that they approached you about it makes no difference they still need to pay you by your pay date otherwise you are completely within reason to send them any charges the UK anyway