By fuggers :/ - 24/11/2013 21:38 - United Kingdom - Basingstoke

Today, my workplace had a big employee photoshoot for an ad campaign. I was there all of 30 seconds before the photographer said, "What the fuck? Look guys, this ain't an ad for facial abortions." He then asked me and another colleague to step out of the shot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 572
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Beauty is subjective :) don't let some rude amateur photographer get you down

Wow, that was really unprofessional of the photographer. Your boss didn't say anything?


inkdeath87 18

Fire that asshole, he shouldn't be making comments like that!

upallnight11 19

I don't get why some people have to be so rude.

perdix 29

How rude!!! He could have asked you two to stand in the back row, behind the tallest people. That way, you could have saved face without yours ruining his artwork.

SystemofaBlink41 27

So all this time... I was never "too tall"?

or asked you to go get him some random insignificant thing while he took the picture for the ad and when you got back take one with you , and when you see it it'll be to late

perdix 29

#58, that seems like a lot of effort when the photographer could just Photoshop some attractive stock-photo faces on the heads of the fuglies.

paramor3 23

This is a good time for you to read the employee handbook really close in front of your face!! Action shots....yeah!!

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

Well, the photographer can be a George Clooney himself, what with his being a photographer and all.

Why does it matter... He should've just taken the picture and kept his mouth shut!

Everyone's face can be saved with photoshop, doesn't he know that? Just kidding ofc, that guy was just an asshole and very unprofessional for saying that.

Just because he has a dick, doesn't give him a right to be one. Some people are just cruel.

I really hope your boss said something.

Bet his parents don't know about loving and caring. His loss!

plagiarismo 16

I'm ashamed to share a species with that guy. Even as creative as his insult was.