By shaving kit - 31/12/2012 10:17

Today, my workplace was having a raffle and was giving away a Venus shaving kit. A co-worker won, but instead of keeping it, she walked over and handed the basket to me in front of everyone, said "You need it more" and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 000
You deserved it 6 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zombieslayer83 19

Shave it for regifting next year.


Why do I picture the co-worker having a uni-brow?

Yeesh... And some people claim that this level of public humiliation and bullying is supposed to end after high school. Sad to see some folks never outgrow their childish ways.

MarisaCB 16

I think it's okay to give it to you.. in private. Giving it to you in front of everyone accompanied by such a snarky comment was just a bitch move.

The word that came to me began with a "c" but yours will do.

What a bitch move. Unless your office is totally awful, I hope this gets noticed in her annual review.

nckjyc 13

What kind of workplace has a raffle for a shaving kit?

If they were giving away a Venus shaving kit, it sounds like a pretty sucky raffle.. I thought they were supposed to give out like gift cards or something, oh well. Anyways, that sucks OP. At least now you have something sharp to cut her with if she pulls a bitch move like that ever again.

It depends nowhere OP works at. Maybe she works at a store, and they were giving away some of their products.