By shaving kit - 31/12/2012 10:17
Same thing different taste
By Rhea - 28/10/2009 11:00 - Australia
By unlucky - 16/12/2010 04:08 - United States
By Florida - 24/11/2016 03:04 - United States - Winchester
By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 04:59 - United States
By bleu_noir - 14/02/2011 21:34 - United States
By ballthlete - 06/09/2015 04:55 - United States - Edmond
Oh, thanks…
By Whoops - 24/06/2009 20:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 21:42 - United States
By GeeThanks - 02/05/2017 05:00 - Canada - Toronto
By cosmonaut - 07/08/2009 09:18 - New Zealand
Top comments
Why do I picture the co-worker having a uni-brow?
Yeesh... And some people claim that this level of public humiliation and bullying is supposed to end after high school. Sad to see some folks never outgrow their childish ways.
Sounnds like the pits.
I hope you shave it for later
What a bitch move. Unless your office is totally awful, I hope this gets noticed in her annual review.
That's exactly what I was thinking!
If they were giving away a Venus shaving kit, it sounds like a pretty sucky raffle.. I thought they were supposed to give out like gift cards or something, oh well. Anyways, that sucks OP. At least now you have something sharp to cut her with if she pulls a bitch move like that ever again.
It depends nowhere OP works at. Maybe she works at a store, and they were giving away some of their products.
Thats just bitchy and mean
Shave it for regifting next year.