By Anonymous - 31/03/2012 07:03 - United States - Puyallup

Today, on my way to see my therapist, my father told me to lie to her and tell her that I'm happy so he wouldn't have to drive me there anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 795
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your exhibiting signs of adolescent repressive behavior due to a controlling parent I hope that helps

Your Dad is a dishonest and selfish person. I feel for anyone who loves someone like that.

Why would you want to go to the rapist?

Well, at least you got a look at the shape of things to come. I suggest that you don't count on your father for too much in the future. Especially if what you need is not in his interests or convenient for him. Everyone deserve a better father than that but not everyone is cut out to be one. Count. On yourself in this life and drive on.

zebralover23 14

How long have you been going because if it has been a while and being happy all a sudden she might want to see you more just incase.

jazminadaire 2

I hope you said that he's the cause of why you're going

Make_Lemonade 13

OP: Gas is very expensive. So are therapists. Also, people who get degrees in psychology tend to do so because they are very screwed up, and are trying to figure themselves out. I know this because I have a couple in my family, visited one myself (ultimately pointless), and had one who was teaching my psych 101 class admit as much. The point is, do you really want these people messing with your head? Trying writing your thoughts in a journal. It works just as well. Also, get your dad to buy you something you really want in exchange for quitting...

As someone who's been helped in a massive way by CBT... no, writing in a journal is not anywhere near as effective as certain therapies.

doglover100 28

Sorry. Get someone else to take you. You are talking to someone to help you with whatever you need instead of doing something unhealthy so that is good.