By Anonymous - 31/03/2012 07:03 - United States - Puyallup

Today, on my way to see my therapist, my father told me to lie to her and tell her that I'm happy so he wouldn't have to drive me there anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 795
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Looks like he's the one who needs the therapy

A person's mental health is more important than someone's laziness. **** him. Not in the sexual way but you know.. Ah **** it.

barbieee420 1

Just talk to ur dad about ur problems since he doesn't wanna drive you .

awesome dad youbgot there! =_=. if you're like a really vindictive person then heres a way to get back at your dad...tell the therapist he molestates you! lol. jk

Hahahaha, that's so funny! It's totally okay to laugh about children being molested by their families.

Tez122 6

dont worry therapists can always tell

I agree with 8. If you lie and say everything is fine, you'll eventually get more problems. This has happened to me, and 2 years later I ended up back to my therapist, this time with anxiety attacks caused by trauma from the last time I visited the therapist.

TheDrifter 23

Really? Trauma from visiting your therapist caused anxiety attacks so you went back for more therapy? I weep at what the world has come to.

TheDrifter 23

What ever happened to dealing with your own problems? Has everyone become so weak minded they can't find solutions to the problems in their life and need someone to tell them what to do?

So what you're saying is that we shouldn't go see professional help to deal with our mental problems and let ourselves fix our own problems? So the soldier with PTSD would have to deal with the constant reminder of the trauma of war? The person with OCD will have to go through with her condition and constantly do the same thing over and over? Therapists/psychologists help you to overcome your problems, like a push to help you to get to the top. I mean really, we don't know what OP even has, so don't complain how "we have become weak minded".

You are so right, No. 57. Therapy isn't a crutch. It's a boost. There is nothing wrong with getting a helping hand from a professional to get yourself on track. Therapists are trained to help you recognize your problems and mistakes and address them. Sometimes you don't make progress by 'sucking it up' and dealing on your own. Like a cavity, the problem gets bigger, not better. It's like hiring a tutor for extra help in a subject you are struggling with. Eventually, you get the hang of it and you don't need the tutor anymore. Ditto the therapist. In my opinion it is perfectly OK to say "I am in over my head and I need help" and then actually getting the help.

******* ridiculous! PTSD is more real than the hand you used to hold your M-16. Just because you never had it or know anyone who does, doesn't mean you can denounce its existence. I've heard of many vets from Vietnam to the Gulf war go crazy because of this. Seriously, are you a.psychologist? Have you ever looked up PTSD before? ...and who should I ask? You and the ones YOU know? Why not ask other veterans. Hand pick some veterans and ask them about it. Not everyone is the same. Also, anyone can say they're a soldier over the internet. Where were you stationed at? Which war you served? What's your rank? Case ******* dismissed.

Does anyone know what this guy is ranting about? Anyone? Dude, your rant has nothing to do with this FML. I'm well aware of what PTSD is all about, don't get me wrong. Yes it is Very Real, but is not the OP's complaint or problem. There are no Soldiers here and the OP's problem is her Father being lazy and not caring about her Mental Health. Any further Trauma was not mentioned. Do you think you can stick to the FML content? Thanks Bud. :)