By Anonymous - 31/03/2012 07:03 - United States - Puyallup

Today, on my way to see my therapist, my father told me to lie to her and tell her that I'm happy so he wouldn't have to drive me there anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 795
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments


TheDrifter 23

Male therapy, no therapist required :)

Nwthatzfunny 9

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

MissMeManda 0

that's a great way to get help! jk not even!!

Guess that gives some insight into why you need therapy. Sorry OP.

Lore0007 2

Lie on the way back home and say your therapist didn't believe you. And then you broke down and confessed to your therapist that your dad made you lie. And now your therapist is considering calling child services.

perdix 29

The first person to lie to about being happy is yourself. If you can fool yourself, you can cut out the hassles with your dad and the therapist. Most of us who seem happy are doing that all the time ;)

Shadow_Phantom 26

Guess we can see how caring your dad is, eh? FYL hard.

your dad wanted to save huge fees of therapy or gas( petrol )

Psycho_Babydoll 26

How on earth can ANYONE sit there and say OP deserves it? I'm 17 and have been diagnosed with clinical depression, but only after I got MYSELF to see a psychiatrist because my parents wouldn't take me seriously. They just saw it as a phase to get attention and kept telling me to 'snap out of it' and 'stop embarassing the family with this emo fad'. Even after being diagnosed they don't believe my condition is real and not made up. If OP is feeling bad enough to be seeing a therapist, the parents should start ACTING like parents and ******* help!

Oh, 74, you poor thing. That is awful, simply awful. It is bad enough to suffer from clinical depression but it is worse that you get no support from your parents. Is there no other adult you can turn to? A grandparent or aunt or uncle? A teacher or guidance counselor? Maybe if your parents hear it from an adult (other than the therapist since they think it's a bunch of hooey) they'll take it more seriously. If not, then you know where they stand and that you have to go it alone. Maybe your therapist can hook you up with a support group. Really, in this day and age, when we have so much information available to us about depression, it is shocking to me that parents do not take this medical diagnosis seriously. Please do not give up and continue to stay on the path to wellness.