By JobHunter - 28/07/2009 12:27 - Malta

Today, on my way to work I stopped at a winery and spent around $120 on 2 bottles of wine for my boss, since it was his birthday. When I gave him the gift, in exchange he let me know I am being laid off - his consolation was "if you can afford this wine I'm sure you'll be OK". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 219
You deserved it 4 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tenkenshi 2

Should have taken them back and told him.. "I just got fired, I think I'll need these more than you."

I would have taken it back, if i were you.


1. Ouch! =( sorry. 2. That was a nice gesture, especially on his birthday. 3. Your ex-boss appears to have been a jerk. I'm sorry. >.> 4. Telling you that "Since you were able to afford the wine, you'll probably be okay" is, on the Scale of Shame, somewhere in the nineties. like 97/100. 5. He really shouldn't have accepted it, knowing you would be financially... troubled in less than an hour. That guy has some issues, for sure.

I would have it back without a word. Then went back to the shop and took the money back. Problem solved.

You gave a $120 gift to a person salaried more than you? Talk about a conflict of interest. At the place I'm currently at anything over $20 is reportable.

realworldready 0

YDI, for being a total kiss ass.

BikerMike 0
simplyfucked 0

clearly, you should have taken the bottles back and said thanks I need these tonight, while I get completely wasted and think of all the ******* time I wasted as this god forsaken ****** company.

always funny seeing the ass kisser get fired YDI yourself for showing off with your "fancy" present

redblueviolet 0

A- Not always true, it depends on the age of the girl and her plans and outlook on life B- Not always true either. These things might be true of SOME women, not all women. Just as it's true that SOME men judge based on bra size and cheat if they're anything less than a D, but not ALL men. But what exactly does this have to do with the FML? The OP and the boss are both male.

EveryDayJackAss 0

well......did he at least say "thanks"? i mean come on!

scince220 0

What does that have to do with anything....? How random.