By tellyc - 26/04/2016 02:36 - Canada - Campbell River

Today, once again someone pointed out how much my brother and boyfriend look alike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 524
You deserved it 2 672

tellyc tells us more.

Hi guys! This is my FML. Basically whenever someone new meets my boyfriend or sees my brother they always comment how much they look alike. Recently every time I see my boyfriend from afar I think he's my brother so it freaks me out just a little bit. Glad to hear it's not really uncommon!

Top comments

I kind of feel you, OP. My dad and my boyfriend have many, MANY things in common. It makes me wonder if something's wrong with me.

I red this thing that people tend to be drawn towards others who share similar traits with the important people in their lives. For example, a girl might be drawn towards someone who resembles her dad or brother, because that's what's she's comfortable with. So, I guess it's not uncommon. :/


I kind of feel you, OP. My dad and my boyfriend have many, MANY things in common. It makes me wonder if something's wrong with me.

Your subconscious found an incest-free way for you to date your brother..

Wizardo 33

Well there is some theory out there but its quite accurate saying that we look for traits in partners that our parents possess. Probably because we associate our parents traits with successful partnership when we're very young.

Thank **** for that. Some of my friends have made Freud-type jokes, and that seriously made me doubt my sanity.

Agreed. we subconsciously pick a man that is similar to our father or father figure, depending how close you are to them.

I have a *really* close relationship with my dad. Alrighty, that explains it. I'm thankful for this FML.

Suaria 38

I don't think that is necessarily true. The only long term relationship I had, the guy was the complete opposite personality wise and looks wise from my brother and dad.

That's pretty common, my brothers girlfriend looks a lot like my mom (even likes a lot of similar things) and my sisters boyfriend looks a lot like my dad when he had the same age

I'm a daddy's girl. He's such a great man and has sacrificed so much for our family. Many of my exs possessed his qualities. Not so much looks wise though, but personality.

I red this thing that people tend to be drawn towards others who share similar traits with the important people in their lives. For example, a girl might be drawn towards someone who resembles her dad or brother, because that's what's she's comfortable with. So, I guess it's not uncommon. :/

jakewill7 7

Maybe they are the same person ?

Don't worry, I was often mistaken to be my ex's brother and her parents child too

Don't worry, I was often mistaken to be my ex's brother and her parents child too

continuing from top reply above- I remember learning about the exact same thing in AP psychology last year. Guys can be more attracted to those who resemble or act like their mothers and girls can be attracted to guys who look or resemble their fathers. It's a weird psychological thing we have going on as a result of attachment as children but it's no reason to be ashamed. also, note that I am not saying that ALL people are like that. It's for some people and for some not. It can even go through your unconscious processes so you don't notice it yet it's there possibly affecting your choices. Our brains are weird :p

Ahh I've been told multiple times I act like his mom!

Suaria 38

That's what Freud believed. Most of his theories have been disproven. I've never had a significant other that looked or acted like my father or brother.

Wow! Your comment made me realize that why am I so comfortable with my boyfriend! He is gentle, kind, loving, caring and down to earth person, just like my father. I remember telling him how much he reminds me of my father and how I don't miss my father that bad anymore. Well, this unbelievable!

It kind of IS a big deal, you know. That's probably why OP (and the people who moderated this) thought this was worthy of being an FML.