By taternuts - 26/11/2011 12:18 - Canada

Today, one of my classmates pointed out that our professor has a habit of sucking his teeth at the end of each sentence. I'd never noticed before. I can't concentrate anymore, all I can focus on is his weird teeth noise thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 310
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SinfulTragedy 19

Answer questions and suck on your teeth too. Maybe he'll get the hint.

illabye 0

It's fine. Soon you'll adapt to the sound again and it won't be suck a big deal. Lmao


Almost as bad as my prof that used to wear his watch halfway up his arm. Actually, I think your prof is worse now that I think about it.

I had a teacher like that too! It always seems like he's trying to seduce you...

That's strange I hope you can concentrate

You should develop some weird talking habit when you're talking to him. Maybe he'll get the hint.

Just stare at him with the widest eyes you could possibly make and when he asks you why you are staring just say.. *shhk* I don't know *shhk*. Lol

hateevryone 14

umm you need to be focusing on your work. lol

Did you even comprehend the second part of this FML?

Leave a note on his desk before class so he doesn't see who it's from! It should say "please stop sucking your teeth, although we appreciate the cleanliness, we don't appreciate the sound, thanks kindly, the class"

MrSexyPants 14

Some professors are crazy. The whole class could get in trouble, resulting in OP having to 'fess up (maybe). :(