By WhyM3Th0ugh - 10/09/2015 23:21 - United States - Sunnyside

Today, one of my idiot classmates decided it was a good idea to throw his water bottle across the room to his friend. Unfortunately, I was sitting in front of his friend. I now have a very noticeable bruise and bump near my temple along with a headache. Everybody laughed at me. Even the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 027
You deserved it 1 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if I were there I'd probably laugh too, but if no one asked if you're okay, they're probably all dickheads.

one of the many reasons I'm doing homeschooling, don't gotta deal with people's shit, and I don't gotta deal with waking up at 6:00 in the morning.


Stml, im sorry OP. I know how you feel..except it was usually pencils

aww :( I hate getting hit in the head. It is always so embarrassing. I empathize with you, OP.

That's terrible, I'm sorry OP. I abhor bullying and it's awful that your teacher contributed.

Seniors at my high school threw FULL water bottles at students and teachers during our awards assembly when I was a sophomore. No one got to walk because of it.

That sucks OP. :/ These kind of things frequently happen to me too and it's not fun when it seems like nobody cares if you're okay.

Hey guys, OP here! This is just going to be the whole story because only so much can fit in 300 characters. Before this happened we were all supposed to be taking notes (which I was doing) and then I had this gut-feeling something bad was going to happen. I thought this was just me being nervous so I shook the feeling off and just as I was going back to taking notes, the water bottle collided with my head and I heard everyone laughing. Luckily, my glasses took most of the impact (they didn't break) and I was pretty much fine. My classmates and the teacher all asked if I was okay in the end and even the person who threw the bottle apologized to me and asked if I was okay. I'm not the least bit mad that they laughed because I think anyone would laugh. The headache is pretty much gone now so I think I'm in the clear but I'll still go get that checked out. Funny thing is, my best friend thought it was my ex who had thrown the bottle at me and nearly jumped out of her seat to go beat him up until she realized it was his friend who'd done it. And to answer someone's question there isn't any video footage of the whole thing so I wouldn't be able to show it to anyone even if I wanted to. Sorry this ended up being so long. I'll stop now before I start rambling ( or maybe I already have..?) Thanks for reading anyways!

dirtbikeguy 14

but on the other hand you know you can work on improving your reflexes and reaction time

At least it wasn't 1. Grape Gatorade in first period 2. Spilled all over your school issued laptop 3. Didn't smell like grape for the entire day

Wow, that sucks. It was only water that he threw and it was capped. Sorry about that. I hope you didn't get In trouble for what he did to the laptop.