By Doors Hate Me - 02/03/2013 14:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By anonymous - 20/09/2016 22:49 - United States - Avon
By Crochocinco85 - 13/03/2014 11:59 - United States - Brooklyn
By poop - 18/05/2009 17:25 - United States
By locker - 16/09/2010 20:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/03/2022 02:00
By Noname - 20/02/2009 00:17 - United States
By kel - 10/02/2010 17:34 - United States
By Braxam - 15/06/2011 16:42 - United States
By saxophone911 - 13/04/2013 15:52 - United States
By regrub - 10/01/2010 09:14 - United States
Top comments
I totally pictured a montage with "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" playing.
♪"don't ya love her when she's walkin' out the door?"♪
Its deja vu. You are in the Matrix.
I'm right there with you, 1. Also, OP, thank you for having manners by opening doors for others. My boyfriend insists on opening the door for me (which took me a while to get used to) and once in a while, he's stuck holding the door for 20 people. But he refuses to stop opening doors for others first and, OP, I hope you keep doing it as well :).
@52- umm sorry to disappoint but nowhere in OP's post does it mention them holding the door for anyone else. Unless I missed something? And wow is your boyfriend "Good Guy Greg" lol jk, it's actually very kind of him. I'd on the other get impatient and frustrated after just a few people.
55, thanks for pointing that out. My bad. And when I finally got used to my boyfriend opening the door for me, I was in Alaska, visiting family. I stood at the door for a good long moment, waiting for him to open the door, while he was 4,000 miles away. I felt like such a dork but I was able to laugh at myself. I still thank him every time. But when he holds the door for a while, for strangers, he starts saying, "You're welcome!" so someone takes a hint.
He said it was a door.
^ people and there obvious comments... Ahhhh
I wasn't going to say anything, but... People and their obvious spelling mistakes...ahhhh
oh sorry their*
Third times the charm
The first person was random, the second one wasn't. So, would the third be random or not? Lately, the term random has been way over-used.
Schrödinger's door, is the kid on the other side still alive? Yes? Hit him again.
You are an ideal candidate for home-schooling, but only if you live in a yurt or a teepee.
Perhaps you should stand off to the side a little bit before approaching doors.
Become nimble or invest in spatial intelligence--the door can only so far under normal conditions.
only reach* so
OP, this isn't the matrix. The door really is there, and it isn't going to bend around you.
Oh... Brian is on FML now.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me because I'm a big klutz.

I totally pictured a montage with "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" playing.
Third times the charm