By Anonymous - 18/05/2015 18:41 - United Kingdom

Today, one of my idiot co-workers thought it'd be hilarious to "fix" my car while I was working. Now every time I step on the brake pedal, the horn goes off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 396
You deserved it 2 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Just stop in their driveway at 3am for a nice wake up call and thank you

At least it gives other cars fair warning before you ram in to them.


Sounds like some premium top gear shit! James May is that you?

Drentiful 9

I would sue for vandalism! I hate people touching my car

xxcaitlannxx 15

Reminds me of the Big Fat Liar movie

hahaha that's ace! what garage I wanna do the same prank to father in law

I guess youre a... BIG FAT LIAR (only some will understand)