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By Anonymous - 01/11/2011 00:36 - United States

Today, one of my neighbors dressed up in the exact same costume as me. Every house I go to refuses to give me candy because my neighbor has already been there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 316
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put (fake) blood on your self and say you killed your evil twin.

Go two houses ahead of him? No, I see the obvious solution here: you're going to have to murder your neighbor.


tweetypie 18

I live in NYC and we don't go trick or treating at houses, we have to go to stores. I'm 16 and I had fun with my friends trick or treating. To me, age doesn't matter. Free candy is free candy.

kittenelaine 0

You're either too old to be trick or treating, or too young to be on this website.

If your old enough to know how to post a fml then your probably too old to go trick or treating get a job and buy your own candy

JHandAC 4

At least you went Trick-Or-Treating. Connecticut cancelled it and I didn't go *useless profile pic costume :(*

bubo_fml 10

No candy? Shit in their Jak-0-lanturns!

YDI. You're too old to Trick or Treat. Our house only gives Dum-Dums to the older kids, and good stuff like snickers to the kids.

mj_ok 9

Aww!! Everyone deserves candy, You should of changed your costume.

GeeBustos 0

Tell Them To Suck Your D*** & Take All Their Candy!

chele2382 5

If you are old enough to get on and complain that you didn't get candy then you are old enough to walk yourself to the mini-mart get a candy bar. YDI

YDI. if you're old enough to post fml's, youre too old to be complaining about not getting any candy from trick or treating anyways.