By NehNehPwn - 24/06/2014 15:09 - Canada - Toronto

Today, our dishwasher door broke. My mom made me sit there for an hour straight, holding the door shut so it would work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 285
You deserved it 5 879

NehNehPwn tells us more.

NehNehPwn 20

For se reason some was cut off. If I left it to get a chair or anything it would pop open and restart the whole cycle (30 min cycles) my mom went in the shower so she couldn't get me anything. Another thing is I was able to sit on the floor to use my phone (thank God). Finally, due to being anaphylactic to milk and eggs, I could not have wash the dishes (my family still eats them) Thanks for commenting and have a nice day everyone!

Top comments

Why not put something heavy against it?

cryssycakesx3 22


knippy 9

I hate to state the super obvious but hand wash them. Seriously. That's like lazy times 20.

It would have taken less time to just wash the dishes by hand. And soap makes them sanitary. You can make the life of your pots and pans last a lot longer if you don't put them in a dishwasher.

Britt125 16

Mih I woulda grabbed my laptop or a book and leaned up against it while playing games or reading and not been bothered by it. or just moved something heavy against it.

91hayek 31

Children: Really really expensive door stops.

Yeah it suds and I bet you felt all washed out after that marathon of doing nothing but quit complaining, get off your soap box and do em by hand next time.

...or you could have just hand washed everything and saved time

dougierocks 13

My first thought was to get several belts and connect them together.. Duct tape would have worked short term. The real problem is your lack of imagination and problem solving skills.