By NehNehPwn - 24/06/2014 15:09 - Canada - Toronto

Today, our dishwasher door broke. My mom made me sit there for an hour straight, holding the door shut so it would work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 285
You deserved it 5 879

NehNehPwn tells us more.

NehNehPwn 20

For se reason some was cut off. If I left it to get a chair or anything it would pop open and restart the whole cycle (30 min cycles) my mom went in the shower so she couldn't get me anything. Another thing is I was able to sit on the floor to use my phone (thank God). Finally, due to being anaphylactic to milk and eggs, I could not have wash the dishes (my family still eats them) Thanks for commenting and have a nice day everyone!

Top comments

Why not put something heavy against it?

cryssycakesx3 22


I know how you feel OP. When I was younger my brothers made me hold the cable wire from the TV to the wall for a few hours because it wasn't working properly. I couldn't even watch the screen. Those assholes.

RedPillSucks 31

*curmudgeon voice* Well, in my day, someone had to be on the roof, moving the antenna around! Young whippersnapper! You should be happy your brothers let you do it inside so you didn't get struck by lightning.

91hayek 31

Oh man this reminds me of the dodgy PS1 memory card slot we had. I had to lie prone holding it in just right, while my sister and her friends would play until a save point. I had to lie flat to not obscure the screen which left me vulnerable to hits and slaps if I moved the card. I now have the steadiest of hands thanks to this.

Because handwashing the dishes is too difficult...

elle920 1

Agreed. People are lazy these days. I prefer washing my dishes by hand. It's faster and you waste less water and energy.

1dvs_bstd 41

after 5 minutes, i'd prolly be "nuts with this" and leave.

iLike2Teabag 27

What are you gonna be when your mom rips your nuts off for flooding the kitchen?

You know people used to do this crazy thing before dishwashers were so common place; they would wash their dirty dishes in a sink! Crazy right?!

Cubobles 7

Duck tape is the policy to go

I think Washing Dishes for Dummies is needed.

Why not just wash the dishes by hand? Or would that make too much sense?