By shrdlu - 22/12/2011 22:05 - United States

Today, our dog peed on nearly all the wrapped gifts under our Christmas tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 236
You deserved it 5 155

shrdlu tells us more.

shrdlu 28

Nobody else'll want 'em now anyway.

Top comments

blackstar994 5
ThatLooksSticky 16

#19, that's not the bright's the brown side.


If it was a real tree than that is why

marilyn2012 0

Ugh lol dogs! Wanna kill em when they pee

AmandaBrown11 1

He's pissed because this is yet ANOTHER Christmas when you didn't get him anything ;)

vballgirl22 0

Ya know, it's not too smart to leave all your presents under the tree I'd you have a dog.

That's why I don't put my Christmas gifts under the tree.

Palmfreak_2342 0