By shrdlu - 22/12/2011 22:05 - United States

Today, our dog peed on nearly all the wrapped gifts under our Christmas tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 236
You deserved it 5 155

shrdlu tells us more.

shrdlu 28

Nobody else'll want 'em now anyway.

Top comments

blackstar994 5
ThatLooksSticky 16

#19, that's not the bright's the brown side.


Horcruxer 0

Hope it didn't get on a $90 moisturizer bottle

Poetaster 10

Yea, I mark my territory too.. So what?

"This one's mine, and this one's mine, and this one's mine..."

PeeNaught 3

That's hilarious. I'd just laugh it off, seriously. Just saying.

Did you rub his nose on the presents and yell 'Ho ho ho, ************!'?

It's time to put him down, Old Yellar style

At least OP had the good sense to wrap!

shrdlu 28

@rulezdunmatter #143/141 - Thanks! I hope to see more FMLs from me too. My previous 99 FMLs only got seen by the moderators (anyone who clicks "Moderate the FMLs" at the top of every page here).