By shrdlu - 22/12/2011 22:05 - United States

Today, our dog peed on nearly all the wrapped gifts under our Christmas tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 236
You deserved it 5 155

shrdlu tells us more.

shrdlu 28

Nobody else'll want 'em now anyway.

Top comments

blackstar994 5
ThatLooksSticky 16

#19, that's not the bright's the brown side.


...*runs to shut her dog out of the Christmas tree area* ugh!!!!!

Damn that sucks hopefully the wrapping paper kept some of it off the gifts just spray a little perfume:p I was actually afraid my cats would have done that this year to all my gifts under the tree so I completely understand

bibble8 0

The ones the dog peed on belong to him now.

shrdlu 28

@143: Thanks! I'd like to see more FMLs from me too. The first 99 I submitted all got turned down.

yeah tht happened to me last year, but it was only one present and it was the biggest box under there. it was mine. but luckily it was just an i-pod touch in a huge box, so no damage. but we got the brat fixed. now his nuts look like a raisin.

kitties_fml 12

...and that's why you don't leave presents under the tree when you have a dog. Or at least keep the dog out of that room with a gate or something. That's just common pet-owning sense.

Ashlyn_nicole11 6

Ohhh don't you just LOVE the holidays?