By mathesonn - 29/05/2014 23:32 - United States - Auburn

Today, out of habit from twelve years of karate classes, I bowed to my teacher as I exited my classroom. My chemistry classroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 582
You deserved it 7 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It shows that you've learned respect, maybe a little out of context, but there is a bright side to this

Demig0d6 14

I want to tell a chemistry joke but all the good ones argon


They'll love you in Japan. If it's one thing the Japanese can't stand, it's a gaijin who doesn't respect their traditions and etiquette.

They're pretty understanding though. They realise that foreigners can't know everything about Japanese culture, and they will forgive your ignorance if you do any gaffes. They do appreciate it when foreigners make the effort to get to know more about the Japanese way though.

erenjaeger 16

I do that to everyone. It's nothing bad. If anything, it shows you're respectful of other cultures.

Now I won't feel so bad about walking into English Lit. class and saying "Hola." I have Spanish class right before it.

I used to do that too when I studied karate years ago. I used to bow entering cafés.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like you have a good martial arts instructor.