By Anonymous - 28/10/2012 16:44 - United States

Today, over a family dinner, my husband and I told everyone that I'm pregnant. My father frowned and said, "Again?", my 9-year-old daughter started crying, and her brother smirked and yelled, "Up the ass, no babies!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 065
You deserved it 6 155

Same thing different taste


Wow. Great family you've raised so far.

2RaRa25 6

well... While you may be pregnant and most of the family seems to disagree with this one, take pride in this--I don't think you'll have to worry about your son getting anyone pregnant anytime soon. Congrats on the pregnancy though, OP :D

28, your comment is so bad, I don't even want to take valuable time out of my day to tell you everything you did wrong. Seriously? 5? What 5 year old knows that.

It changes the dynamics of the family completely - clearly both of your children are old enough to realise this. It's therefore unreasonable to expect them to be happy about it right away, especially if they're in shock. Stop being a jerk and try to be understanding, OP.

I agree with 61. I can see why you wanted to announce it when your family was all together, but was that really what was best for them? How did you think your kids would react? And you probably know your father well enough to have foreseen his response. I'm sorry your moment didn't go as planned, but I am inclined to believe that it was due to a bit of selfishness on your part.

What a wonderfully functional family you have there...

hobo1235 15

59, the word or what he actually said? Because my cousin, who is 4, knows that word from being around kids at school who have parents that swear constantly around their kids

I don't get why people are thumbing down #28... I think that what he/she said, too. *shrugs*

if he were 5 copying a friend from school he'd be running around the house saying it not shouting it in context at the dinner table.

CrashAndBurn44 6

After that showing of fine parenting you are bringing more kids into this world. Fantastic.