By I don't want to be here anymore - 03/11/2014 21:16 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I realized I need a new job. This happened when I was seriously considering ways to break my leg so I could stay at home for a day and not have to deal with my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 780
You deserved it 3 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like me with my math teacher... I feel your pain.

bigdfootball97 24

Taking "break a leg" to a whole new level…


1039583 10

But you'd have to come into work the next day, and you'd still have a broken leg.

Just call in saying you can't come into work "I fractured my motivation". Gets em' every-time!

RedHeadRedNeck 0

Thank god I'm not the only one!!! ?? I contemplate this daily! I feel your pain!

If you're that unhappy, maybe time to get a new job. Or come up with a plan to break your bosses leg:p