By StudentAbroad - 18/02/2016 13:27 - Ukraine - Kiev

Today, several Ukrainians didn't believe me when I said I was American. Apparently I'm not fat enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 013
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wasn't aware that you had to be fat to be an American. Good to know.

ScottVining 21

It's sad that we have that reputation.


@38 I've lived in the South my whole life, and it's somewhat rare to see morbidly obese people during your day-to-day routine. This is the exact stereotype that needs to stop.

The funny thing is, is America isn't the fattest country in the world anymore. It's Mexico!

If I could eat authentic Mexican food everyday I'd be fat, too.

Oh, get over yourself. Since when is your life effed because you're not fat?

ElTrumpo2K16 5

I think a lot of those outside of the States are envious. Myself included! Though I would never assume stereotypes mean anything, and I definitely wouldn't say anything negative about a country that is not my own, there is a lot of envy. I know even my family fantasizes about "the American Dream" so maybe those who constantly belittle are just in denial that they don't live there? A more simple and more likely conclusion is that they're just assholes and should be ignored OP!

SalenaCrosse 16

Don't worry this actually happens to a lot of us, myself included-it is a bit funny in the end. X3 You could always take it as a compliment, though haha~

TAntobella 14

Sorry for all the butthurt 'muricans, but it's not a stereotype, it's statistics...

Stiggy626 25

I don't really understand how that's bad, I mean, yeah, stereotyping Americans as fat sucks, but it's more like a compliment to you

skersh 2

I'm an American living in France and the same thing happens to me. It's been a year now and I can't even count how many times someone has said something along those lines.