By StudentAbroad - 18/02/2016 13:27 - Ukraine - Kiev

Today, several Ukrainians didn't believe me when I said I was American. Apparently I'm not fat enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 013
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wasn't aware that you had to be fat to be an American. Good to know.

ScottVining 21

It's sad that we have that reputation.


Believe it or not, but the United States isn't the "fattest" country in the world. Sure we're high on the list, but the important thing is we're not first!

I really don't see how your life is ****** here... You're not fat, people who believe in stereotypes don't believe you.. Big whoop.

In terms of BMI, the average American is overweight. And much closer to being classified as obese, rather than normal.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

BMI doesn't account for a lot of things specific to the individual, so it's really not very accurate.

butterbunny 15

I feel like that's both a bad thing and a compliment

AbortionSurvivor 13

When I'm overseas people are shocked to discover that I'm an Australian who doesn't have a kangaroo or a koala as a pet. I do have a mixed breed dog that's part dingo though (no bullshit)

I have no clue how this is a FML, it's a good thing to not be fat!

@21: I guess you missed the stereotypical part of the FML.

Saudi Arabia has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world... 22% compared to America's 9%, the more you know!

I suppose it would be a good time to inform them that there are over 310,000,000 Americans, and not all of them are lazy and tubby fuckbuckets.

0to100rq 6

Yea, they don't say one in a million for nothing.

FalloutScrolls 25

We got so much food in this country that our biggest health concern amongst the population is OBESITY!