By - 01/05/2011 07:03 - Canada

Today, someone asked my wife if I was her father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 469
You deserved it 7 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahaha. that sucks. you should have played along. "yup and I love to bang her every night" and he will be like O.O


That's what you get for marrying someone that's like 30 years younger than you!

it's better your wife look younger. (:

well played sir. half your age + 7 is a good rule of thumb

xbriix 0

I like the way that guys thinks, the one who asked you that is.

You're epic. Why is this an FML? You have a wife who's not an old bat. So, some people make rude comments--they're either ignorant or jealous, because they have to go home to some crusty old chick who's 80 lbs overweight every night, and you don't.

davek 36

You're as young as the woman you feel...

silentblack 0

either you too old for her or you look too old for her

Please tell me your not, well not by like 5+ years. If so buy beauty products >.<

Im 6 years younger than my hubby. Its 10+ when age starts to matter

Erm. I think that once you're an adult, it doesn't matter. Love is love.

KattAlex 4

Actually, women that go for much older men are called Kittens which kinda makes sense when you think about it.

Sugar daddys and sugar babies are the actual terms last I checked. Kittens/pumas are cougars in training if I remember correctly.

sparxva 12