By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, someone caused over $400 worth of damage by breaking into my car, just to steal $8 worth of beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 122
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bbedlock_fml 7


I would say the thief's live sucks,... That he needs to go trough so much trouble for $8,- of beer... Yours is not so bad.

riahlyn42392 8

Some people will do anything for beer

Professor59 2

I hope you've learned something from this. I've seen cars broken into for the pocket change spilled on the front seat. Leave nothing of any value visible in your car. Do not leave an empty box from a TV set in there. Do not leave an empty cell phone case. Not even an empty bottle of beer. A thief has to break in before he knows it was empty.

rizzybear 4

You just left beer unprotected?! Who do you think you are!?

lunacharon 9

well whyd you leave the beer in the car?

Try not leaving beer in your car next time! Sorry, OP. That's just some super unfortunate luck :/

Look on the bright side, they only stole $8 worth of stuff