By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, someone caused over $400 worth of damage by breaking into my car, just to steal $8 worth of beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 122
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bbedlock_fml 7


At least they didn't cause $8 worth of damage for $400 worth of beer

That's your own fault youre suppose to leave alcohol in your trunk you idiot

mbrooks5110 0

Beer is worth more than your soul STEEL IT BACK

Thieves don't care how much the damage costs. I doubt they would say "let's not steal this beer because it's value is not proportionate to the damage we will cause. " Would you prefer is they stole $400 worth of your property to balance the damage?

I feel bad for the dude who broke into your car. He/she must have a really bad drinking problem to go that far just for beer. FYL OP.

Miaoudeminou 7

As a child I'd go shopping with my mother a lot. She'd always pop open her trunk and put her purchases there before heading to the next store. One day I asked why and she responded (roughly) "It's so no one sees it in your car and wants to steal it". To this day I always put everything in my trunk if I'm shopping whether or not I go to another store. Look at this as an expensive life lesson learned.