By Petitprof - 12/11/2010 18:23 - France
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Get some Nike shox.
Or a chair.
Or just a chair to stand on :P
or shape ups.
Or a tall black guy...
or grow :p lol jk
nahh, Nike shox or l23's would do the trick :D
or make one of your tall students erase it and save yourself the embarrassment
guesss what? No one cares.
My sister's class did that to her! But she just made them write an 8 page essay about their favorite person under the height of 5'3. :)
I have absolutely nothing useful to say whatsoever, but dear friends do I sure enjoy inserting cacti into several of my own inappropriate orifices whilst rocking out to Justin Bieber.
So? Who doesn't?
Holy shit! That comment got modded so fast I felt the shockwave all the way! At least...I HOPE it was modded and lolornot didn't actually say that... Wee-woo.
Justin Bieber fails and should have multiple cacti in all of his orifices!
South Park win!
not a south park win
so true
fun size isn't fun at all.
yea but fun size usually wastes out quickly cause there is a small amount :p
85- or does he?
why so he can rest his beer on your head?
Short girls FTW! I'm 17 and 5 feet 1 inch. So just a wee bit taller than you. But my boyfriend loves it too. Most of my guy friends prefer shorter girls.
I'm 6.1 but i love all my short friends!i wish I was short! it's akward to hug them!
butthole: i don't get it. according to your logic, one's height directly affects one's degree of beauty, where a lack of height equals a lack of beauty. have you ever heard the phrase, "that makes no f*cking sense?" ana: listen not to butthole (how hysterically appropriate a name); most us guys dig short girls, and again, i don't know HOW being short (apparently) makes someone ugly.
See now this is a guy who knows what he's talking about... I've met plenty of girls, one of which was 4'11'' and she was extremely beautiful. I have also taken the liberty of looking closer at your profile, and if he wants to say you're ugly, then he can shove a cactus up HIS butthole.
Something tells me that butthole person is really an insecure female trying to get attention and make herself feel better by tearing down others. Also, that dog is ugly.
ok no one gives a shit how old and tall you are
My friend Maya says that all the time.
extra homework!!! where a napolian complex when u should actually have one?!
[comments bug renders this useless -_-]
Um...what? Something about a Napoleon complex or having something...having, uh... I got nothing. My Idiot-English translation engine must be on the fritz.
I believe he's attempting to say " Where is a Napoleon complex when you actually need one?" In reference to the stereotype of overcompensating short men who try to take over the world. Although, I don't think the OP would appreciate being compared to Bonaparte
A napoleon complex is a term used for a person that is not only aware of, but also dislikes their short stature, as a reference to Napoleon Bonaparte. I give NyCzFINest half credit on that post, as even though he couldn't put together those badly spelt words into a coherent sentence, he at least has shown he has an idea of what a napoleon complex is.
A napoleon complex is a term used for a person that is not only aware of, but also dislikes their short stature, as a reference to Napoleon Bonaparte. I give NyCzFINest half credit on that post, as even though he couldn't put together those badly spelt words into a coherent sentence, he at least has shown he has an idea of what a napoleon complex is.
extra homework!!! where a napolian complex when u should actually have one?!
Comon op have some fool.
Haha kids are punks sometimes (most of the time) Find you some sexy 5 1/2in heels : ) they won't tease you about being short because their jaws will be on the floor : )
OP is male ._____________________.
Their jaws will STILL be on the floor....just for different reasons. :D
since it was obviously one of the tall kids that wrote it.
or stilts.
Oompa loompa doopity doo!

next time you give them an exam write "pass me if you can" at the top of every page. show your class that you have a sense of humor. :)
Or a chair with stilts and a big eraser