By Baustigt - 22/08/2013 14:48 - Australia - Perth

Today, someone on Facebook posted a really tiny picture that I couldn't read properly, so I responded, "What is this? A picture for ants?!" Turns out it was a commentary about rape, and now I look like an insensitive jackass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 724
You deserved it 13 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sure you were not the only one who had trouble reading the image

perdix 29

Ant rape is no laughing matter!


I don't think you were alone in saying that...if it was that small no one else would ask it thinking they would see the reply to your post...

Not your fault. If they post something so small, they should at least try to understand.

nakiarain 9

That is a funny comment. I would have laughed. Not your fault you didn't know what the picture said.

What is this?! An FML for people that need glasses?

I'd hate to sit next to #16 while watching Zoolander. She'd be corrected him every time he opens his mouth.

wanderingshopper 13

Shoulda stopped at what is this.

I don't own a Facebook account but not for nothing, rape topics seems an odd thing for someone to send you unless you're some sort of activist.

The picture OP was talking about was most likely just a picture someone posted on their own wall, rather than something that was meant directly for OP.

Rape is brought up on literally every social network I'm a part of. I am on no way an activist.

roflstomp716 19

your attempted Zoolander joke was appreciated in my eyes. novice mistake