By Bliggins - 28/11/2012 03:08 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, someone very close to me came out of the closet. Normally I would fully support them, had we not just gotten married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 024
You deserved it 2 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God... people should not get married if they are questioning their sexuality.

ninja4228 5

That's horrible! Why would someone do that?! Wait until your officially together, THEN come out of the closet? What a heartless jerk. :(


xoxoMEGANxoxo 13
mavman79 5

Why do people say YDI on posts like these? There IP's should be hunted down and the owners steralised to save the human race.

I would think its for "not knowing" but I voted their life sucked... so its just a guess