By Bliggins - 28/11/2012 03:08 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, someone very close to me came out of the closet. Normally I would fully support them, had we not just gotten married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 024
You deserved it 2 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God... people should not get married if they are questioning their sexuality.

ninja4228 5

That's horrible! Why would someone do that?! Wait until your officially together, THEN come out of the closet? What a heartless jerk. :(


Xxlaurahatakexx 9

That awful OP I am so sorry. I can't imagine that kind of pain. To have just gotten married, preparing for how to spend the rest of your life, and to have him Hurt you like that. I hope everything works out for you in the end.

what a jerk!! they shouldn't have gone through with the wedding.....

kcorpetti 0

You can get your marriage annulled if it was performed under false declarations.

It can be easily annulled, OP, don't fret! I know this is a sucky situation though.. Good luck OP

...that's terrible. I'm so sorry. They should've had the decency to know what it was that they wanted before they went through with marriage.

jem970 19

I'm very sorry OP. while I feel bad for your spouse I feel worse for you. Now you have to divorce your new spouse and you lose the person you expected to spend the rest of your life with. It was deceitful and selfish to put you through that.