By myselfami - 31/03/2011 11:31 - United States

Today, someone wearing dark grey clothes thought it would be a good idea to run in front of my car in the pouring rain. I slammed on my brakes and managed to stop before I'd have turned him into a blood sprinkler. Unfortunately, the person behind me didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 158
You deserved it 2 873

myselfami tells us more.

myselfami 1

Okay, I was pretty unclear about specifics on this FML. The runner was barely tapped by the front bumper of my car. He fell, got back up, and limped off somewhere. The guy that was behind me doesn't have insurance. I have five stitches in my forehead from bashing it against the steering wheel. Kind of wish I wouldn't have stopped, honestly.

Top comments

memo619 0

I honestly hate people like that, when you j walk, at least make sure no car is heading your way

jes1610 6


Chances are being rear ended projected her car forward and made her hit the pedestrian anyways.

sk1ml1fe 0

should of hit the dude it would of been a 500 pointer lol

only black people are that much points.. unknowns are only like 20

KingDingALing 9

What?! I thought you were a miracle worker, Doc! I've been lied to my whole life! :(

You should always be a sufficient distance behind the car in front in order to stop safely in the even of the preceeding car braking suddenly. OP, this means that you will not lose your no claims bonus.

I wish the FML had specified whether or not the pedestrian survived...

heathersmorin 0

To everyone say he dead, you hit him, ya de ya. I think you read it wrong. Im figuring he didn't hit him. It does slammed on the brakes before he became a blood sprinkler, so that to me states he didn't hit him. The other car hit OPs car though. I'm sure OP would have added "I then hit the pedestrian after being rear-ended". That would have enhanced the FML aspect to it all.

See, (and this is probably me just reading into it..) but I took it as he made it by the ped, but the vehicle behind him did not. Making me believe the second vehicle hit the ped. lol

heathersmorin 0

My thought process is how was he able to not hit the ped but the car behind him was? it doesn't say he swered out of the way to not hit the ped. Its just very confussingly written!

icet1997 0

ahh well luckily god made insurance

I believe the government made insurance Could be wrong though