By Anonymous - 19/11/2010 21:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Bisounours - 22/07/2011 11:23 - France
By Anonymous - 07/07/2009 11:51 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 18/03/2025 20:00 - South Africa - Alberton
By beachbumb8538 - 15/07/2011 17:01 - United States
By Chelsea - 20/07/2009 05:54 - United States
Movie night
By nah - 11/06/2021 11:01
By Smirky - 13/02/2017 02:30 - India - Bangalore
By Anonymous - 20/02/2012 03:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 11/07/2010 18:18 - United States
By anonymous - 17/12/2011 02:06 - United States
Top comments
hahaha that sucks major balls. I bet you felt crappy about that
^ hahahaha I see what you did there
I would have definitely accidentally wondered into the next showing of HP.
hahaha lol movie isn't worth seeing anyway
Since when do girls poop?
lol very funny jackass
I'd rather give birth with my penis than watch Harry potter
harry potter 7 part 1 was SOSOSO good but they left out alot of little IMPORTANT details. and yes you did miss out it was an AMAZIN MOVIEE
Why all the Harry Potter hate? Damn. This is not Twilight we're talking about.
lol, exactly what I was thinking! dayuum.
who stood in line for Harry potter? and why would anyone? the books aren't bad but the movies leave out so much. failure for supporting a very overrated movie series.
Thats what i would of thought.
this hp hate offends me
hairy pooper (get it?)
Haha I hope you got a butt rash
I'd ******* cry!
Me too! I waited 12 hours in line to see the DH part 2 and when they started letting us in we had to go put chairs in the car so we had a friend save our spot but when we got back she was already in the theater and they told us to go to the back of the line and I was about to kill someone but the manager said he remembered us from earlier. That was the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
Oh, damn. That's just horrible...and disgusting...but mainly horrible. :/
Why does everyone love Harry potter so much? He creeps me out, but that's my personal opinion ha! I don't like twilight either.. yes I know I'm probably the only girl alive thats not obsessed but again... personal opinion : )
"I'm probably the only girl alive thats not obsessed" Lol... you must be really thick and think you're real special. Things that make people interesting are their hobbies and passions. Without them, they are blah. I personally grew up with Harry Potter so its like revisiting my childhood when I was at the theater.
I hate twilight lol The movies suck, the acting is extremely horrible, and it is such a disappointment compare to the books. But I love Harry Potter! So amazing :D
Ugh. "Grew up watching Harry Potter." Y'all do realize they were BOOKS first, right? Like the pages with words on it. I hate when HP is mentioned and someone says, "Oh, I hate/love those movies." Guh. /endfangirlrant
There are actually many girls who despise Twilight. Maybe you should stop having so many fangirl friends. ......Ronald Weasley. <3
I too grew up with the BOOKS (10 turning 11 when I first read it), & as I revisited my past, upset with them for screwing up the previous movie, I'm mad they messed up this one too. for a 2 part movie, it seemed to fly by the details as if they were minor. And WTF was that about Voldemort (frigging iPod autocorrect trying to make me say goldsmith) finding the wand so early? Um... they were supposed to figure out about the deathly hallows, & HP was supposed to almost go to it after realizing that he wanted it. he was supposed to complain about his broken wand and how he needed a new one, the elder wand. The last one better be epic since they blew by so much of the story. and worst of all were the people in the theater asking what's going on while we are trying to watch. Read the book & you shall find out. the movie went by it too quickly for you noobs to know anyway... Books, you know, the thing with pages and words. That's what he videogames you young-uns play and have the nerve to say "wait! that wasn't in the movie" makes me wanna smack em... But I would never play those games. they'd make me mad at em for missing so much of the book. & what about that stupid horn that was supposed to blow up? I wanted to see Luna's room. & @ Godric's Hollow, I wanted to see the statue with Lilly, James & baby Harry. I wanted to see the house where they had a memorial and graffiti wishing Harry luck... & Harry was supposed to take the eye from umbridge's office. Hedwig was supposed to be In the cage when she died, & Harry was supposed to give himself away by doing expelliarmus on Stan, since when did the owl save him to die? Aah, and that's just a little of what they missed. I'm not even gonna get to the part where harry was supposed to ask the goblin to lie, or the deal he made... maybe in the next movie, though they messed up with Voldemort and the wand... Crap, my replies are always long. Sorry ppl. Ah well, you can scroll & skip this... whew, typing on an iPod is harder than I'd like...
65- One reason twilight is brought up so frequently in discussions about HP is because in GoF Voldemort killed they sparkly, creepy, pansy of a vampire. He just went by another name: Cedric Diggory. I'm not a fan of the movies, but I will watch GoF to see Robert Patinson die. I love the books though.
I do like twilight but it's honestly not a very good book series. I used to love it but now I don't really like it but I still love the movies...
92- I completely and fully agree. I don't think it was as much of a travesty as HBP, but there was a lot of important details dropped. I have to admit I'm kind of used to that by now, after seven movies missing key story elements. And just to add in my opinion of Twilight: decent books/entertaining story....godawful movies. Kristen Stewart's atrocious acting makes me weep.
My opinion: they both suck
wow 92 if I read all that then I could prolly say I grew up reading your fml comment
92 i WISH they put that all in the movie but it would be too damn long. and you know what, its a loss for people who haven't truly read all the books. but damnnit if they did put all that in the movie and it ended up being like 5 hours i'd watch that shit LOL i know how you feel, during the whole movie i was like 'OMG THEY FORGOT'..'THAT DIDNT HAPPEN'..'WAT' lol
Ugh, once again, Twilight was a BOOK series. It's sad how many people on the internets don't know about those things with the words on the pages. So sad.
you don't look like a girl...very mannish.
What exactly does that have to do with this thread?
too bad the movie was pretty epicc
the movie was majorly epic it was the best
^^^KingDingALing your an idiot if you think Harry potter is a bad movie it's the best, better than whatever lame movies you watch grow some balls and realize that Harry potter is a great series, it's probably to advanced for you anyway
yes 53 and take ur big ass and fugly face elsewhre and dun insult the greatest movie of all time bitch... just an opinion(;
says the person who's username is KingDingALing...
hey 45 why don't you and Harry go **** each other with his double-headed "wand"
You suck. Harry Potter FTW!
Cant you just watch it again?

hahaha that sucks major balls. I bet you felt crappy about that
I'd ******* cry!