By theflow - 15/08/2012 17:08 - Australia - Perth

Today, thanks to a new form of birth control, I've now been having my period non-stop for six weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 239
You deserved it 4 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go with the flow (haha, get it?) But no, that is seriously awful.


I definitely understand how horrible that is. Mine hasn't stopped for almost three months. I truly hope things get better for you, OP.

Normally that's a sign to change to a different form of birth control?

You'd think, but I've already tried that. Gotta wait til my new job gives me my insurance in November before I can see what's really wrong :/

jem970 19

Why don't you go to planned parenthood? They are a lot cheaper and have Gynos on call all of the time. I use them instead of a Gyno office, about half the price and the same products and advice.

sheerem 7

You'd think you'd stop taking it and/or talk to your doc after like 2-3 weeks or so…

I'd go back to the doctor after one week.

Well, it seems to work if you're unable to find a guy willing to impregnate you by going on a bloody adventure. Sorry, sounds like you should have switched your BC out weeks ago.

yeah, and then it'll go away. oh the joys of being a woman. be happy you have it. at least you haven't been knocked up.

Why would you continue to take it then? One week is enough.

If she took the depo shot there's no way to stop taking it... I went through the same thing & it finally stopped when the depo was out of my system.

Sehra98 5

That's what happened to me. It was horrible. x.x

The shot gave you your periods for that long? Damn! I'm glad I'm the pill then.

The depo shot doesn't do that to everyone though... When I started taking it I had really irregular periods, but it wasn't constant. About a month after my first shot I bled pretty heavily for 3 weeks, then I went to the doctor and she gave me an extra shot which stopped the bleeding. After that, it was fine. Haven't had a single period since :)

Not a good sign. You should go get checked. My friend was bleeding for 8 weeks straight she couldn't afford to go to the clinic and now she has cancer. Your body is trying to tell you something. Go get checked!!

ninjaqueen101 18

The never ending flow of death!

perdix 29

Maybe you could become the mascot for the Detroit Redwings.

The mascot would have to be the boyfriend, not her. Unless she gave herself the wings. Would take some circus type flexibility though.

True. But I don't think Perdix is referring to pads with wings. Different type of red wings.

I feel your pain. But its recommended to wait at least 6 months to let your hormones settle down. Doctors rules. I had a 5 month period, never going to use hormone-controlling/changing BC ever again.

pengin 13

oh damn, 5 months long!? How do you handle that? I can imagine never wanting to use b.c. again..........

Any sane gp is going to tell you that if you're on the pill and you bleed for longer than 4 weeks first time you're taking the pill (if you bleed 2 weeks straigh after, get your ass to the gp to make sure its just hormones and nothing worse) your body is trying to tell you that maybe you should stop taking them and maybe check out low hormone pills. If it's an implant, same. If it's the shot.. Good luck.. It has been banned from many health stations where I live as your bones can get softer and you're constantly feeling sick while the hormons are in your body. To many girls got ill while taking it. Anyways, good luck op. See a gp. Now.

Wtf? Answer connected to wrong comment. Fail. -.- just ignore it please.

to #53 i did go back, doctor said it was just my body getting used to the change in hormones. Oh and it has put me off using BC that affects hormones 100%. condoms all the way!