By Username - 01/08/2011 04:41 - United States

Today, the crazy cat lady who lives next to me lost one of her cats. She sat outside with a whistle at 6:00 this morning and continued to blow her whistle for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 919
You deserved it 2 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments


GreenMuzz 0

No need to get agitated OP. Just calmly get out of bed, gently open the window and kindly shout "SHUT THE **** UP, YOU THUNDERCUNT!".

slinginmac14 0

Your face is so... So... So Mr. Bean.

mgon93 0

buy a cat say it's hers or steal the whistle which ever is easier.

Time to get a recording of a dog barking and play it outside her house at all hours of the night.

there's this stuff called usually blocks out annoying things like that....

there's this stuff called sleep....people usually try to get some at 6:00am when they're not blasting music or listening to crazy old ladies blow their butts off....

DankestM112 0

tell her to shut the hell up !