By Anonymous - 27/02/2015 00:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, the doctor let me know I have an autoimmune disease. The disease results in ulcers in my colon which bleed when I poop. I cried, but only when I was told that I wouldn't be allowed to eat cheese anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 656
You deserved it 3 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd cry too, man. Cheese is better than sex. Sorry for your loss.


DisturbedSRT8 17

Perfectly acceptable reason to cry! I'd cry too if I was told I could no longer eat cheese!

Yeah I'd cry too... What's life without cheese?!

So sorry to hear that. My brother is going through the same thing, and he can't eat dairy or glutton. Hopefully it will go into remission for you soon ^_^

My 12 year old daughter has that disorder. She was diagnosed at 3. There are things you can do to minimize the disorder.

bunnylady08 13

I have the same disease. I started taking Humira injections weekly and since then, I can eat dairy products again.

Cheese is on pizza. Therefore, no more pizza.

Good luck! Autoimmune disease sucks :( I have only recently recovered from auto-immune related gastroparesis and after 3 years of barely being able to eat I now have absolutely ZERO self-control when it comes to food. Hopefully your condition will improve ?

Driv3r001 8