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By in this day and age.... - 19/10/2023 16:25 - United States - Dallas

Today, the first words I heard from my "good, Christian" future mother-in-law included a salvo of curse words and a hushed rant about "them dirty Jews". I'm culturally Jewish. This bodes well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 192
You deserved it 1 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure she would've really hit it off with her savior, a short, dark-skinned, culturally Jewish fellow named Jesus.

The thing I don't get about Christians hating Jews is that they don't realize their religion only exists because of a Jew.


What does your spouse have to say about it ?

Mathalamus 24

sounds more like a moderate Nazi rather than a good christian. (not even sure of the word "moderate" and "nazi" makes any sense at all....)

Don't worry, all religions are stupid so you two are in the same boat in the end.

From one Jew to another, I am so sorry. I had many relationships ruined by parents saying they didn't like the lack of Jesus in my life. I told my in laws the first time I met them I was Jewish. I got lucky, they have a mixed family. My advise is to talk to your fiance about it. Be honest about how you feel. It is so important that you are on the same page. Good luck and I hope this helps.

you can take the good Christian part out of there..she is the type of Christian that makes everyone assume we are all like her and in all reality Christians have their roots in the Jewish belief for the fact anytime Jesus taught he quotes the old testaments always talking about the law and the from a Christian to you I can promise you not all of us are like her and please don't judge all of us based on one person. some people want to refer to jews as "Christ killers" but once again since he died for all the sins of all the world really we are all Christ killers since he took our place on the cross.

Just don't rope us all together with her. We're not all bigots like that....Sorry, you had to experience it, OP.

Sadly people like her are all the world ever sees. like the complete fakers from Westborough Baptist church who use and abuse our faith just so they can spew hate.

Oh Texas. It's one of many places I will never go to by choice, since I'm also culturally Jewish.

Fun fact. Texas leads the U.S. in Muslim population with 422,000 of the 2.35M Muslims in the US living in Texas, because, you know- Texans are so bigoted. Or maybe it's your bigotry against the southern Bible Belt you're more worried about?

#52: Texas is also the largest state, so. maybe go by percentages, that compares a lot better with other states.

Largest state? It's neither the largest state geographically or by population.

#52 is it bigotry when every jewish or black person I know that's been to Texas has been on the receiving end of racism & antisemitism?

Speaking from outside the US, my general impression of the southern states is generous hospitality, true kindness, and wonderful cooking. Unfortunately, Sheriff Teazle and his brethren are also part of that image, and don't seem to have gone away. The thing that makes me sad about the bible belt is when I hear wonderful, kind, loving people defending the actions of thugs and bigots.

I don't think it's fair to judge an entire state (the second largest) by these kinds of popular examples. I'm sure it's more common in some of the more rural areas, but think about the 6 cities that are in the 20 biggest cities in the US. I have never experienced any real anti-Semitism.

I doubt she's actually a Christian

Why do you say that? What makes your version of Christianity more pure or correct than hers? There is no historical or cultural basis you can point to that suggests Christianity is inherently against bigotry.

Jesus. Jesus was against bigotry. And since Christianity is based on his life, I would say that's a historical standard.