By TheSickness - 28/05/2010 04:15 - United States

Today, the girl that I fancy was sick and I offered to hug her, but she protested saying that she didn't want to get me sick. I told her, "If hugging you gets me sick, then I'll just have to deal with being sick." She gave me the biggest hug she could. I haven't stopped puking since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 196
You deserved it 59 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments


well go you for making her feel better at least. but that's the price we pay to impress girls lol

Fuhohoho!~ You asked for it, you deal with it!


simplyrebelling 0

that's so sweet, but she was kinda stupid to actually hug the OP knowing he'd get sick. Or perhaps she wanted him to get sick? :o

Dragonpark 0

I think that's sweet even though u knew the outcome

Thunderbender 2

YDI for saying "fancy" instead of like. I'd let you off the hook if you were from Europe or something but you're from flippin conneticut.

All I read was “Today, the girl that I fancy” …and hit YDI

You got the hug, what yeh whining about!

s_me_ashley 2

aw thats so sweet...aside from the u got sick u deserve the hug but i feel bad u got sick =/ yep fyl and ydi

it was really cute. good thing youre bitching here instead of to her. you shouldnt say things you dont mean.