By Anonymous - 09/07/2016 23:31

Today, the guy I broke up with for being too possessive and jealous threatened to leak my nudes if he sees or hears that I've gotten with anyone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 642
You deserved it 5 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to the police and save the texts, don't let him control your life.

Save (if possible) any evidence of that threat and if it does happen provide it to the police have have the scumbag arrested


Talk to the police and save the texts, don't let him control your life.

Hopefully she's not underage so she can do this. If she's under 18 then she could be charged with distribution of child pornography.

TabooSushi 24

Not sure why you got downvoted, you're right. Underage kids don't think of that stuff when they send nudes and other sexually explicit images. It's technically child **** and people HAVE gotten busted for it.

What a horrible human being. Sorry that happened to you OP.

Save (if possible) any evidence of that threat and if it does happen provide it to the police have have the scumbag arrested

Scootythedog 17

This is true. Distribution of pictures without consent is illegal

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hellobobismyname 24

What does having a photographic memory have to do with anything? Does that mean she shouldn't even get naked in front of any man in case they remember her..? Or do you mean men can digitalize their memories and post last night's sexcapades on the Internet?

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No, sending private information or pictures is not "asking for trouble". When you share something private with someone and they then divulge that to others, that makes them scumbags. And it's often illegal. Don't freaking victim-blame. There is no one to blame if he decides to share her pictures but him.

Actually, depending of your country, even just threatening to leak the pics may already be considered blackmail (and thus illegal).

Document it all, call the cops. Don't let anyone make you believe this "is your fault" for sending nudes. It's not. It's his for turning a private, erotic practice into a weapon against you.

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Glad your name matches the comment. I guess you haven't been in a relationship where the two of you like to tease one another by sending sexy pictures and texts. The reasons don't matter why the couple does it but you shouldn't be blaming the OP at all for her wanting to be sexy and sending them to her partner, well ex boyfriend now.

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This is why I say, if one MUST send nudes, never ever ever include your face/tattoo/identifying factors that could point to it being you. People are just too mean and vengeful nowadays.

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