By mel - 25/03/2016 13:20 - United States - Smithville

Today, the guy I buy weed from invited me to have Easter dinner with his family, since I've nowhere else to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 396
You deserved it 5 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The ham won't be the only thing that's smoked


That's actually really nice. It makes people feel good when people show they care about them

That is probably the coolest dealer

bigdfootball97 24

Someone invited you over for Easter dinner so you don't have to spend it alone? Doesn't sound like an FML to me.

I'm having trouble with this guy...supposed to be getting a lot. Bleh. Like at least things are good between you and him and you have somewhere to go for Easter.

Plot twist: the guy who sell's you weed is your uncle.

Don't get high and eat the ears off his bunny.

I don't see how that's an fml.. that was really nice of him