By mel - 25/03/2016 13:20 - United States - Smithville

Today, the guy I buy weed from invited me to have Easter dinner with his family, since I've nowhere else to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 396
You deserved it 5 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The ham won't be the only thing that's smoked


It's little weird but at least he was nice enough to invite you when you couldn't go to Easter with your family. Also I was just about to post what I have written above when it occurred to be that he could be a cop and he's inviting people over and arresting them also. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but keep that in mind of you go to the party

If he were a cop, he could arrest OP at any time. What in the world would the point of such a ridiculous ruse?

TAntobella 14

Well now you do! That was nice of him!

NorthernBuck92 5

I don't know if that counts as a FML

ALittleFreak 15

That is too ******* funny, obviously you're buying from the right guy!