By Anonymous - 23/05/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, the guy I have loved for seven years asked me to move in with him. Turns out he only did so because he needed someone to pay the rent since he's quit his job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 056
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rickly 0
angelsara91 0

if u move in I'll come s.l.a.p u myself


FreebirdIII 1

Wow, what a guy. If you dated a homeless guy, you wouldn't have this problem.

jenaandtyler4eva 0

just fyl and now this is where you walk out brushing the dirt off your shoulder and take everything back off yours and fine someone who will treat you like gold

kiaralove53 0

Are you guys dating? Because I don't see much of a problem if you are. If you're not dating, just forget about him and move on.

Use all the hot water before he showers.

Move out? He can't force you to stay. Or just say no. Easy!

Well he trusts you enough not to kill him in his sleep.

ReynshineCutting 10

I too get the impression they weren't dating since she didn't say boyfriend. OP don't move in with him, and if you already have see if there's a way you can get out of the lease. If all else fails just take him to small claims court or Judge Judy.

Egnar 19

Take him to small claims court for what? She didn't say she was supplying the entire rent, or that she was giving him money - Simply that she was asked to move in because he was unemployed. All that implies is that he simply can't handle full rent without somebody else in the house, which would mean she covers half. . Which is fair.

ReynshineCutting 10

If he is paying for half then there's no need to, but the FML makes it sound like she's paying all of it.

Egnar 19

No it doesn't - It just says he's recently unemployed - She wasn't asked to "Take over expenses" she was asked to move in. Reasonable people save money if they don't have a job. I don't have the best job in the world but if I lost it right now I could live 14 months without any income, however, having a roommate would almost double that time [aka the time used to find a new job]. It's practical to move in when budget is short.

You have to consider that there are most likely more reasons behind it than just what he told her about just rent. Rent does more than just the living space, it's the electrical, plumbing, etc. I rented for 3 years. The landlord can change things unexpectedly. If he's unemployed, depending how much his previous wage was, there's a pretty good chance that she's paying it all, and he's taking care of his own food and whatnot. We don't know his wage, we don't know her wage. If he's asking her to move in while he's unemployed, and didn't give her the reason in the first place as to why he wanted her to move in, than yeah, it seems plausible he wanted her to pay the rent for the duration of his unemployment, and maybe make her pay half once he gets a job. All in all, he shouldn't have asked someone else to pay his rent, he could just either move out into a cheaper rental, or budgeted his money better, employed or unemployed. But if he takes this rent thing too far, she can take him too court, there's no reason why she cant.

Alicia17C 2

61 I agree. I think the FML is more focused on the fact the OP believed he was finally making a move when in actuality he was only concerned about finances. not that she is being used by a lazy lover for her money. so she might not be paying full rent, she's just mad his motive wasn't love.

catkat1988 17

So either you two are dating, and the big "move in together" didn't happen as romantically as you hoped. Life isn't a fairytale. Or you're really just friends and you were automatically hoping for more when he asked you to move in, but friends move in together for practical reasons all the time, so it's no big deal. Of course if he knew about your feelings but can't return them, he probably should've thought twice, but if he didn't, you really can't blame him. In that case you were the one jumping to conclusions.

punx21 0

wow that sucks. maybe it's time to move on to someone who isn't going to use you