By Anonymous - 23/05/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, the guy I have loved for seven years asked me to move in with him. Turns out he only did so because he needed someone to pay the rent since he's quit his job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 056
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rickly 0
angelsara91 0

if u move in I'll come s.l.a.p u myself


He is,indeed,a keeper.Good job you are a great judge of character! :)

I hope you realize that he is using you. Don't be blinded by love.

Everyone seems to assume that this guy knows how you feel. However, perhaps he doesn't. If he does and doesn't reciprocate then moving in because he wants some rent money or a bed-fellow will only break your heart - how will you feel when he brings a girl home some night? If he doesn't know then for hell's sake tell him before you move in. Otherwise, see above.

raider27 7

There's a positive in this. You see him every day, assuming you're willing to pay hundreds to do so. Overall, not worth it.

Egnar 19

The wording of this FML makes me wonder if this is 2 people dating OR if this is another one of those "I've loved this guy forever but he has no idea I love him back." situations. I'll cover both: 1) If you're dating the guy: Who cares? - The motivation for moving in together isn't always that you too are so madly in love that you can't help but be together. Now, if him losing his job means he's not paying any rent at all, than, he's an asshole. Otherwise, he came to the one person he feels like he can trust to help him out. 2) Tough shit, he views you as a friend and nothing more - It's not his fault you harbor this fantasy life with the guy. He asked a friend out for help just like anybody would.

Egnar 19

I tend to think of it as those who can read them are probably more educated and worth talking to.

JennaMarie420 2

well I think they're a tad annoying

Egnar 19

You're not forced to read them, skip over 'em.

Well I actually can't read so I have no idea what this thread is about. I'm just a baboon!

I see no problem here. You should DEFINITELY move in even if he doesn't love you back. Since this guy doesn't work, you pay the rent and now have a live-in maid. He can cook, clean, and do your laundry. Sounds like a good deal to me.

screw that! she should do it all and just let him play xbox all day.

Hahaha! Right, because sexism is funny! Ass.

kc1997kc 9

I never thought of that...

TheMalarky 0

that's not a guy that boy lol