By Rainydaze - 10/11/2017 20:00 - United States - Hillsboro

Today, the guy I hooked up with last summer who was "going through a divorce" welcomed his new baby with his loving wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 196
You deserved it 1 857

Same thing different taste

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I don't see why you care if you hooked up with him last summer. Seems to me like you haven't seen him or talked to him in over a year. One thing I know is you should never date or hook up with someone who claims to be, "going through a divorce", or is "separating/separated". If y'all can't wait for the ink to dry then it's not worth it.

Sometimes people lie. Men lie at times, women lie at times. I assume he was not entirely truthful when he wanted to hook up with you. It might have been an exaggeration that he was getting a divorce when he was just thinking about it. Or maybe it was a complete lie. Whatever you do stay away from that A-hole. He’s a liar and married with child. You have no future there. Regardless of what happens in the future he’s got child support for the next 18 years, and he’s currently married.


Maybe he was going to divorce her until she got pregnant and that changed everything. You might still be able to hook up with him from time to time — sounds like a quality dude.

"Last summer" is five months ago at the very latest. The guy just didn't want to **** his preggo wife.

You know pregnancy takes 9 months,right?

Sometimes people lie. Men lie at times, women lie at times. I assume he was not entirely truthful when he wanted to hook up with you. It might have been an exaggeration that he was getting a divorce when he was just thinking about it. Or maybe it was a complete lie. Whatever you do stay away from that A-hole. He’s a liar and married with child. You have no future there. Regardless of what happens in the future he’s got child support for the next 18 years, and he’s currently married.

Little Richard 11

It sounds like he said what he needed to, to get laid. Who's fault is it that you believed him?

Lobby_Bee 17

Maybe during the process of the divorce they found the reason why they love each other and decided not to go through with it. Doesn't necessarily mean he lied. Most people think back to the beginning when the end comes and to some it's worth to give it another shot.

I don't see why you care if you hooked up with him last summer. Seems to me like you haven't seen him or talked to him in over a year. One thing I know is you should never date or hook up with someone who claims to be, "going through a divorce", or is "separating/separated". If y'all can't wait for the ink to dry then it's not worth it.

If the FML is that you hooked up with a married man, then don't feel guilty about that. He was responsible for his own actions and he new what he was doing, so as long as you weren't trying to seduce someone who would otherwise remain faithful, you did nothing wrong.

I think OP feels sick about being part of this man's adultery.

Sooooo you all are still falling for the I'm going through a divorce bit aye? I really need you all to do better.

AzrielB 8

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