By Anonymous - 07/11/2011 20:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Elayne Warthen - 25/04/2018 01:30
By preggers - 29/11/2010 19:20 - United States
By paula123 - 18/12/2009 13:02 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 19/06/2018 19:00
Planned parenthood
By KittenTitz - 03/05/2020 20:00
By Dumped and pregnant - 01/05/2018 05:00
By sodonewiththis89 - 10/02/2021 13:59
Mind-boggling logistics
By Anika - 23/06/2021 18:00
New relations
By Pat - 22/09/2020 04:01 - United States - Buffalo
The Other Woman
By Anonymous - 27/01/2021 14:01
Top comments
All I can say is, good on you for divorcing the bastard. And F that poor baby's life for having him for a father.
And F his girlfriend's life for being in the same boat you are in.
She can't have kids cause she got a STD that scars the folopian tubes.
Wow just be glad you divorced that dumbass.
I'm hearing more and more stories about how men are cheating more often. Most of you men who can't control yourselves, and fall into the temptation are losers. I would just like to know, what the **** is wrong with you people. This goes for girls too. -_- Like we need any more crying train wrecks on the streets.
You are hearing about cheating men more because women are becoming more and more excrutiating to be faithful too. throw your dogs a bone ladies, you'll see how easy it is to keep a man faithful.
You are hearing about cheating men more because women are becoming more and more excrutiating to be faithful too. throw your dogs a bone ladies, you'll see how easy it is to keep a man faithful.
I never said anything about sex. In fact, I was referring to how much take there is from the female side in a so-called "give-and-take" relationship. I'm not saying its like that in every relationship, but it seems that in a lot of instances the woman is pushing her man to want a different woman.
Mankind has always been sinful in nature and Cheating has always been a problem. you're barely hearing about it because children are often sheltered from such things :-/
If she's pushing him that much, 135, then he is always free to leave. If he's unhappy, then it his responsibility to either talk with his SO to try to work it out, or give up on the relationship. No where does that allow for cheating. No one is responsible for another's fidelity. We only are responsible for our own actions and if a relationship is bad, it's far better to leave than cheat.
Be glad you're gonna be rid of him.
YDI for being infertile.
Well your getting divorced so clearly the marriage wasn't working out aside from that. Move passed it and get on with your life
Maybe she's getting a divorce because he's unfaithful. Just a thought.
"move passed it and get on with your life"[sic] Really? Because it's just that simple. Not everyone has a heart made of STONE. You are incredibly insensitive. Get some tact.
#21 is a dick trying to be funny.
This ain't no SPARTA! Do you type with an egg beater?
#86 Dont you talk to flockz like this again!
Sounds like an episode of Maury!
Damnn that guy is a player, someone needs to pick up pace!
I'm so sorry that this happened, but at least you're not going to have to put up with him anymore. Seems you had a child to deal with after all. In the end, its better this way. Would you really want your baby raised by this man? I feel bad for the one he's got on the way. Now, go find someone amazing and make babies with him! :)
I guess this is where we all say: "dump the lousy guy" or "you can do better" There obviously has to be a reason WHY he cheated.
There isn't really a reason out there to justify cheating. There are, however, a million reasons to just end the relationship. He's doing it to two women, maybe more. He's a lousy douche, no matter how you look at it.
heybuddy2344 and mandaboo- why would you feed the troll? just why?
Because he's a dickead worthless piece of ******* shit. period. end of story. question = answered
Aww f your life I'm sorry OP... Especially if you had been trying to conceive. If you were having problems and he's apparently working fine that's a double whammy.

All I can say is, good on you for divorcing the bastard. And F that poor baby's life for having him for a father.
Be glad you're gonna be rid of him.